Table of Contents
This page is heavily inspired by the well-known bithacks page. I’ll be documenting bithacks I had to make that I couldn’t find there.
This page, unlike the original one, will contain explanations.
All the code will be in Zig.
I don’t think any of this code could be copyrighted so I couldn’t even put it in CC-0 even if I wanted to. Use as you wish.
Detect Which Nibbles or Bytes in a Word Is Nonzero#
Useful to produce a layer of a tree encoded through a morton curve, given the layer below.
64 bits into 8 bits, grouped by 8 bits#
pub inline fn funny_merge_64_8(v: u64) u8 {
var w = v;
w |= ((w & 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) >> 1) | ((w & 0x5555555555555555) << 1);
w |= ((w & 0xCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC) >> 2) | ((w & 0x3333333333333333) << 2);
w |= ((w & 0xF0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0) >> 4) | ((w & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F) << 4);
w = (w & 0x8040_2010_0804_0201) *% 0x0101010101010101;
return @intCast(w >> 56);
32 bits into 4 bits, grouped by 8 bits#
pub inline fn funny_merge_32_8(v: u32) u4 {
var w = v;
w |= ((w & 0xAAAAAAAA) >> 1) | ((w & 0x55555555) << 1);
w |= ((w & 0xCCCCCCCC) >> 2) | ((w & 0x33333333) << 2);
w |= ((w & 0xF0F0F0F0) >> 4) | ((w & 0x0F0F0F0F) << 4);
w = (w & 0x0804_0201) *% 0x01010101;
return @intCast(w >> 28);
32 bits into 8 bits, grouped by 4 bits#
pub inline fn funny_merge_32_4(v: u32) u8 {
const or1 = val | ((val & 0xAAAAAAA) >> 1) | ((val & 0x55555555) << 1);
const or2 = or1 | ((or1 & 0xCCCCCCC) >> 2) | ((or1 & 0x33333333) << 2);
const res_hi = (((or2 >> 16) & 0x8421) * 0x1111) >> 12;
const res_lo = (((or2 >> 0) & 0x8421) * 0x1111) >> 12;
return @intCast((res_hi << 4) | res_lo);
Notice how the mask and ths shift are reversed here. It doesn’t really matter in what order you make them.
Say you have a number: 0x2305007B
and you want to know what bytes are nonzero in the form: 0b1101
convert the number into
:- do an OR between pairs of single bits to get a
v |= ((v >> 1) & 0x55555555) | ((v << 1) & 0xAAAAAAAA)
- do an OR between pairs of two bits to get a
v |= ((v >> 2) & 0x33333333) | ((v << 2) & 0xCCCCCCCC)
- do an OR between pairs of four bits to get a
v |= ((v >> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F) | ((v << 4) & 0xF0F0F0F0)
- do an OR between pairs of single bits to get a
convert the number into
mask the number with
:v &= 0x08040201
This has the effect of turning every filled byte into the value they would end up contributing to the final number.
The number we end up with here is
. the08
byte represents the bit that would end up contributing08
to the final result.This will become relevant in the next step:
multiply with
:v *= 0x01010101
Since these values are unsigned (signed multiplication works differently), the following long multiplication will take place:
08040001 01010101 -------- 08040001 08040001 08040001 08040001 -------------- 080C0C0D050101
But since the overflows have no effect in unsigned multiplication, the process becomes:
08040001 01010101 -------- 08040001 040001 0001 01 -------- 0D050101
Notice how the leftmost column is the addition of all the contributions, meaning that that’s our result, which does check out: we were looking for
Also notice how there could be no carries under this multiplication.
Shift right 24:
v >>= 24
And so we have our result.
Pad every bit in a value with two zeroes#
3-D morton curves.
inline fn pad_3(v: u4) u12 {
var w: u48 = @intCast(v);
w *= 0x001_001_001_001;
w &= 0x008_004_002_001;
w *%= 0x001_004_010_040;
return @intCast(w >> 36);
inline fn pad(v: anytype) @Type(std.builtin.Type{ .Int = .{
.bits = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(v)).Int.bits * 3,
.signedness = .unsigned,
} }) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
const v_bits = @typeInfo(T).Int.bits;
const full_nibbles = v_bits / 4;
const excess_bits = v_bits % 4;
const Ret = @Type(std.builtin.Type{ .Int = .{
.bits = v_bits * 3,
.signedness = .unsigned,
} });
var ret: Ret = 0;
//0 1
//1 0
inline for (0..full_nibbles) |i| {
const j = full_nibbles - i - 1;
const shr = j * 4 + excess_bits;
const nibble: u4 = @intCast((v >> @intCast(shr)) & 0xF);
const padded_nibble: Ret = @intCast(pad_3(nibble));
ret <<= 12;
ret |= @intCast(padded_nibble);
if (excess_bits != 0) {
const mask = (@as(T, 1) << excess_bits) - 1;
const excess: u4 = @intCast(v & mask);
const padded_excess: Ret = @intCast(pad_3(excess));
const omask = (@as(Ret, 1) << (excess_bits * 3)) - 1;
ret <<= excess_bits * 3;
ret |= padded_excess & omask;
return ret;
assume v = 0b1101
or 0x0C
copy the value into all 12 bit sections of a 48 bit number:
v *= 0x001001001001
so v became
filter out the contributed bits alone
What do I mean by this? The end goal is to have a 48-bit number with 4 12-bit groups, wherein the nth bit is set if the nth bit in the original value is set.
.v &= 0x008004002001
shift & sum
So in the original value, we want to end up having shifted the 0th bit left by 0, the 1st bit by 2, the 2nd by 4 and the 3rd by 6, right? Those shifts amount to multiplications by 1, 4, 16, and 64. And remember from the first hack what multiplication can do:
008004000001 001004010040 ------------ 200100000040 040000010 000004 001
Notice how the multiplier being “reversed” is actually correct. And notice how the last column, once again, represents our desired result:
shifted left by 6,0x040
shifted left by 4 and0x001
shifted left by, well, 0.So the operation here is:
v *= 0x001004010040
shift the last column right
v >>= 36
And we’re done